Saturday, August 24, 2019

Desiderata: Seize it

Happiness is a dream to everybody. They have been longing for this since Day 1. Is it what people have? Because from what I think, most people are still in search for what happiness is to them. For me, I lost happiness a long time ago or may happiness is the one who lost me.

The thought of happiness is very complex. It could be a "where", a "what", a "when", a "who" and many more. It gets puzzling when you think about happiness. Ever since I step foot into high school, my view in life completely changed. High school brought a lot of anxiety, miserableness, insecurities and a lot more to me. It probably did take away my happiness from me. Not just happiness but also my freedom and more. But that's inevitable, isn't it?

I read this poem back in 6th grade, even had a speech choir performance to go with it but the effect it had on me was completely different. I probably don't even know meaning of the title back then but now, I saw and read a way different poem. A poem that slapped me in the face. A poem that opened my eyes and a poem that told me that I have to find my happiness ASAP.

In the poem, "Desiderata", it is filled with lessons you need to learn. My favorite of all is this statement, " And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. " This statement told me that the world waits for no one. It is going on while you're ready or not. Do what you have to do because time is gold. You have no time to waste. the earth is moving every second and every minute. Seize the moment. Seize the opportunities. The universe doesn't care about you. You are just one out of a billion other people who is standing there and waiting for their happiness. Seize every moment you get. Seize it.

Desiderata is a remarkable poem.  It consists of a lot of lessons that can help with any problems we can possible face. I found light in a task that I wouldn't do myself. This helped me with my perspective in life. Yes, life is very unfair but that won't stop me anymore. If you think of it, everyone is going through the same thing as you are, so that doesn't make you very special.

          We have a long way to go. I know, on the way we will find our happiness or at least comfort. Desiderata is an eye-opening poem. Encourages us to be something more. Despite the odds, we shall rise. Seize it. 


  1. You are matured now karzlin, very nice. Im proud, and so is hmmmm HAHAHA

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Amazing... This is such a beautiful inspirational essay
