are better house pets than dogs. Yes, that is indeed true but dogs in the other
hand, are created to be best friends and not house pets. In my opinion, dogs
are better than cats.
my experience, cats can be very affectionate. They snuggle you and ask food, to
be petted or more but they only do that just to get what they want. Cats act
all nice and cute just to get a favour or when they want or need a favour. Even
cat owners admit that. Other experiences from cat owners were posted in
Buzzfeed that cats can be adulaters. But dogs want their owners to be happy.
They don’t want to do things just for themselves but also for their owners. I
also read it on Pet Attack that cats are affectionate and cute but selfish
while dogs are very playful and messy but selfless and I agree.
are easy to take care of. That’s what Business Insider says. They do not need
walks. That could be a good thing or a bad thing. Dogs need walks, which also
encourages the owner to walk. Walking is a great form of exercise. Dogs keep us
fit, unlike cats who prefer to just lay down and stay at home. In other words,
cats are lazy while dogs are very active and it helps us to exercise.
can be trained but it takes time to do that. According to The Spruce and Pets
World, dogs can be easier than cats are. Even food motivated cats will soon get
sick of training and walk away or just take the food out of your hand and eat
it anyway. Cats are literally training their owner, better that the owner training
their cat. The reason why dogs can be trained easier is because dogs enjoy
training. Dogs enjoy work and they are highly motivated by food and attention.
Both pets can be trained, but dogs are easier to be trained than cats.
are happy creatures. All they want to do
is to have fun and make their owners happy. Cats are better house pets
that dogs but dogs will always be your best friend and not a house pet.
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